Wonderful micro-fiction, Andrei. A story that is so unbelievable, so tragic, that one has to laugh.

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I got a similar comment on the website itself, of this being a “comedy of errors”. To be honest, I never wrote it as a comedy, I find the whole thing tragic as well, but I can see how it can be funny. I guess there may be something deep to be said here (by someone smarter than me), about how comedies are always tragedies in disguise, or something😂

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Exactly this!

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Loved this Andrei !

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Oh, I’m glad to hear that, Maureen! I know the additional button needed to get to the essay was a bit of an unnecessary hurdle, but I thought it’d be best to link directly to the place where the piece was published. I’m glad you clicked!

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Congrats on the publication, Andrei!

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Thanks, my friend!

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That does seem like a series of bad luck with pets, Andrei. Hope lives on.

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Very good short story about pets 😉

At my home there always have been animals, specially dogs, I have one by now whose name is Felix 🐕

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Loved the piece! It says something about human memory too, that a person can tell others “we’ve never owned a pet” and gloss over the tragedies (maybe to protect themselves). I sit dogs and have to try to forget them otherwise I cry thinking of all the longterm ones that I fell in love with and never see again.

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